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While companies have placed high value on an intuitive user experience of their consumer-facing digital properties, less often is the case with their internal applications. With goals of increasing productivity or reducing operational costs of these tools and systems, companies do not always apply the same rigor toward a user-centered design approach in the product development process.   

Understanding that the user is at the forefront, the newly formed Pepsi E-commerce team wanted to ensure the same level of focus on the user experience was applied.  I was an early member of the digital team to help formalize and incorporate a more structured UX process and provide attention to user-centered design methodologies. 


With an extremely collaborative and iterative approach, I worked closely with business and technology stakeholders when defining new features and functionality to marketing and catalog systems. I created tools such as experience maps, user flows, mental models, and system integration touchpoint diagrams to help define and gain agreement on content, features and technical requirements. We held informal sketch sessions to trigger ideas. Rapid production and iteration of wireframes enabled constant user feedback sessions on the experience. Once the overall experience was established, together with design colleagues, we focused on creating a more robust design system so that the disparate tools would have some consistency. Design and development time would be saved.  


In addition to giving greater attention to the user during the product development cycle, these types of deliverables provided additional context in the collection and planning of future feature development.

* Below are individual samples across different internal projects.  As these projects are for Pepsi's internal enterprise tools, I have limited the amount of samples shown here. To discuss the context of these projects, please contact me.

Pepsi Whiteboard

WHITEBOARD SKETCH SESSION:  Whiteboard sketch session defining content hierarchy and page structure for Customer Data Platform

Pepsi Site Map by Use Case

SITE MAP:  While the general site structure for this marketing segmentation tool was relatively simple, I illustrated the 'groups' of pages/tasks that are accessed together during primary use cases.  

Pepsi - B2B Customer Journey Milestones.jpg

USER JOURNEY MAP:  This journey map identified content requirements at each milestone for the B2B segment

Pepsi User Task Flow.jpg

USER TASK FLOW:  This flow illustrates the major use cases and user interaction for the proposed feature.

Bid Automation Wireframe.jpg

IMAGE: This high-fidelity wireframe for one of our marketing tools was represented within our design system, allowing us to bypass the design step on certain pages to allow for designers to spend time on high-value areas.

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